Image Descriptions

Image with alt attribute - Pass

Goat with horns pointing in different directions

Image with aria-label attribute - Pass

Image with title attribute - Pass

Image with aria-labelledby attribute - Pass

Goat with horns pointing in different directions

Image with alt set to "" - Pass

Image with role="presentation" - Pass

Image with aria-hidden="true" - Pass

Image with no description - Fail

Span with role="img" and aria-label attribute - Pass

Span with role="img" and title attribute - Pass

Span with role="img" and aria-labelledby attribute - Pass

Goat with horns pointing in different directions

Span with role="img" and no label - Fail

Images with junk alt text - Fail

goat.jpg goat.gif goat.png image spacer alt blank _ null photo image corner tag picture header histogram chart undefined

Spans with role="img" and junk aria-label - Fail

span with role="img" and alt text - Fail

span with role="img" and alt text with UTF Characters - Fail